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Archive for the ‘satiresaturday’ Category

Satire Saturday: Man Dressed as American Revolution Soldier Shoots TV During Royal Wedding

Nathaniel Jackson, a 31 year old warehouse worker from Ooltewah, Tn was excited to watch the Royal Wedding. A history buff and enthusiastic war re-enactor, Jackson decided to wear his American Revolution outfit for the event. He had just worked a 12 hour shift and thought a few Red Bulls would be enough to keep him awake. Instead, he began dozing off. Unfortunately, he was holding his custom made, 18th century pistol often used for dueling. He was awakened when his gun–thankfully pointed at the tv–went off, shattering his new flatscreen. He plans to save up for a new television set and to continue re-enacting with his friends. #satiresaturday


FlintlockRoyal Wedding

Expensive liberal arts college sues student for backpay after she uses scholarships and grants to graduate with no debt. Said one college official: “We had a class that taught rhetoric and grant writing. But we didn’t think it’d be used against us. That professor is now under investigation.” #SatireSaturday

Satire Saturday: The Onion and Education

State legislatures are suing The Onion because an article that was intended to be a joke about how education policy gets decided has turned out to be true. #satiresaturday #theonion

Satire Saturday: Roger Goodell Considers Leaving the NFL for the NCAA

Roger Goodell is strongly considering leaving the NFL to be in charge of the NCAA and college football. “My penchant for arbitrary rules and arbitrary rulings will receive more support when applied to student athletes.” ‪#‎satiresaturday

Satire Saturday: Football Coach Makes Players Practice in Heels

A high school football coach has been suspended for making his players practice in high heels. “My daughter said that they gave her calves a workout, so I figured it’d work on the field. I was just trying to give my players an edge,” he said in a statement. ‪#‎satiresaturday‬ ‪#‎football‬ ‪#‎highschoolfootball‬ ‪#‎heels

High School Football Coach

Black Mules