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Posts tagged ‘Running’

Sonnet Sunday: “Run More Day”

Achilles the runner, Pheidippides
the marathon’s first participant and
casualty. Wrestler’s strength, swimmer’s high seas
but the runner needs only open land
to practice the craft: breath controlled, posture
straight, arms relaxed, back kick steady, watch the
road. Sounds of birds (or iPod playlist) cure
malaise of winter’s fog. Days without a
clock get longer, legs without a lunge grow
stronger. (Though squats and lunges help to cross-
train). Run consistent, switch it up, ‘cause though
running stills, the mind and will, your thoughts ought
know that burn-out’s real. That’s true in all things–
keep your pace, peace’ll find your mind and heart strings.

Pheidippides Kenyan Runnes